The long anticipated relaunch of the Flexi Solutions website is now live! It has a fresh new look and an array of new products, including hand crafted, bespoke Indian Fire Bowls which can be used as unique, statement BBQs, and a wide range of garden sheds, log cabins and home office buildings. Flexi Solutions is becoming a one-stop shop for this type of product in Guernsey and they are very proud of their ability to have nearly anything made to measure.
We’ve been working on this update for a few months as the project involved more than just a reskin of the old site. The original website went live in 2011 and has had a few facelifts along the way but this time we went a little bit further and rebuilt the entire site from the ground up. This enabled us to remove a lot of legacy code and systems and put in place more modern alternatives. The main highlights of this project include:
- Clean and responsive design. This is the starting point for the next 5 years
- Faster code throughout keeps the site loading quickly
- New e-commerce platform
- Reorganisation of site content to bring consistency after years of organic growth
- Enhanced security measures
- SSL to provide secure HTTPS connection at all times
- Enhanced sales reporting for admins
The completion of this project sees our little launch-o-meter rocket fire its thrusters once again to explore further into space, so it seems only fitting to mention what some are dubbing the “biggest scientific breakthrough of the century”. On 11th February 2016, just over 100 years after Einstein’s general theory of relativity, it was announced that on 14th September 2015, scientists detected, for the first time, observable ripples in the fabric of spacetime (gravitational waves) arriving at Earth from a cataclysmic event in the distant universe.

Image courtesy of LIGO Caltech
Scientists predict these waves travelled at half the speed of light for 1.3 billion years before being detected by the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) detectors located in Livingston, Louisiana and Hanford, Washington, USA. Based on the results, it’s estimated 2 black holes, one being 29 times, the other 36 times the mass of our Sun, collided with one another, which resulted in one extremely large singular black hole and 3 times the mass of our Sun being converted into gravitational waves, all within a fraction of a second. Can you even imagine doing the math on that?!
New websites and astrophysics… surely the most interesting update you’ve read for a while 🙂