.EU Domain Price Promotion

The .EU domain registry is focused on increasing the number of registered .EU domains through heavily discounted pricing during 2019. We are passing that pricing promotion on to all of our customers. Our standard price of £7.99 per year for .EU domain names was already one of the lowest regular prices available globally, but with this latest promotion, we can offer .EU domain names at £2.50 per year, for a maximum of 10 years. (Which is the maximum registration period you are allowed.)


Only £2.50 per year

Take advantage of the great pricing on .EU domains right now

Applicable for new domains, renewals and transfers up to a maximum of 10 years

How does that work?

  • If you register a new .EU domain, you simply choose to register it for 10 years at a total of £25.00 instead of the regular price of £79.90!
  • If you have an existing .EU domain (with, for example, one year of registration remaining), you can renew it for a maximum of 9 years, and so on.

If you work in marketing, you already understand the importance of brand protection when it comes to capturing domain names in your regions; now it just got easier and cheaper, as far as the .EU domain is concerned. If you have previously held off protecting your brand with an .EU domain because of cost, what are you waiting for, it doesn’t get much better than this. For our managed domain services customers, we will automatically renew your .EU domains to take advantage of this pricing.  For anyone out there who also wants to take advantage of this special pricing, simply visit Channel Island Hosting ( www.channelislandhosting.net ) and register your domain name now.      

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