We’ve just finished and launched a custom web application that has taken 18 months to create. The web app itself is a specialised business management system that is designed to scale with the Guernsey based business over time. This single application covers all areas of the business such as employee maintenance, client management and invoicing. It is also well integrated with other 3rd party applications such as accounts and payroll software. Though we can’t provide too much information about it at this point due to NDAs in effect, we can share some of the interesting facts relating to the code that can be written in a year and a half.

  • 902,296 Lines of PHP code
  • 147,910 lines of Javascript code
  • 2,223 PHP files
  • 850 Javascript files
  • 240 CSS files
  • 1,089 PNG images
  • 60 JPG images
  • 247 GIF images
  • 21 Database tables
  • Already many thousands of  SQL entries.

It should be noted that this doesn’t all load for the app at runtime. It is a lazy loading application so only loads what it needs for a given task. Also, a lot of this stuff is not a part of the final production application but is included here as it has been used/was created over the course of the project. I’m just glad the caching system is working well as these numbers are quite something.

And just to clarify before anyone gets their pitchfork out, these numbers are for the whole project so things like jQuery and the database abstraction classes are also included which we clearly didn’t write ourselves… we have a man to do that for us 😉

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