Christmas biscuits for Offshore Ltd

Christmas biscuits for Offshore Ltd

Guernsey based financial experts, Offshore, have used a snowflake version of their logo that we designed to decorate biscuits as a festive gift. We’re really pleased at how well the graphic works for this purpose… they look so good; they probably...
Create CentOS bootable USB installer on Mac OSX

Create CentOS bootable USB installer on Mac OSX

When you have downloaded the CentOS ISO image that you’d like to run from USB, there are a few simple commands to run from the terminal so that you can create a bootable USB key. This has only been tested on the CentOS 7 download but it should work for any...
Little planet of Hanois Lighthouse

Little planet of Hanois Lighthouse

Going through five year old project folders can lead to finding some interesting lost treasures. In this case, a draft version of a “Little Planet” photo of the Hanois Lighthouse off the South West corner of Guernsey. This was made using our robotic...
5 years old and going strong

5 years old and going strong

I’ve just had to recheck the calendar and use all my fingers to double check this fact but it appears correct; Enrapture is now 5 years old. I’m not entirely sure where all the time has gone but looking back through the work list I can see that it’s been busy and the...
The ultimate guide to social media graphics sizes

The ultimate guide to social media graphics sizes

Cover image and banner sizes are just about the most common thing I lookup for clients when they require an image to be used on their social media site of choice. I’ve often referred to this image which is being shown here with thanks to Jeff Berezny. I’ll...

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